Brand: Hing Ghorian


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  • property: Anti-cancer and the first effective drug for gastric ulcer
  • preparation: The world's highest perfume brands from White Heng extract
  • Preparation type: Hundreds of effective foods for people who suffer from blood fat and sugar
  • Effective: The most effective medicine for respiratory diseases and asthma
  • Amplifier: Physical strength of the body
  • Medicine: Anti-aging
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Ghorian Anghuzeh Trading Company
Kabul, Afghanistan,
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Hing is a medicinal plant that can produce many years of fruit once planted
It is said that it is more than thirty years, but when the juice is taken, it lives for more than twenty years. It is a plant that is in
It has a high resistance to heat and cold and can grow in any conditions and produce an enguze or a hynge
It is one of the main products that has a good export, which earns more than 250 million dollars in net domestic income annually
In the country, hing can be grown in wet and dry form from hing, all kinds of spices
agricultural and medicinal plants, and it is used in the preparation of cosmetics and perfumes.


property: Anti-cancer and the first effective drug for gastric ulcer
preparation: The world's highest perfume brands from White Heng extract
Preparation type: Hundreds of effective foods for people who suffer from blood fat and sugar
Effective: The most effective medicine for respiratory diseases and asthma
Amplifier: Physical strength of the body
Medicine: Anti-aging

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Hing is a medicinal plant that can produce many years of fruit once planted
It is said that it is more than thirty years, but when the juice is taken, it lives for more than twenty years. It is a plant that is in
It has a high resistance to heat and cold and can grow in any conditions and produce an enguze or a hynge
It is one of the main products that has a good export, which earns more than 250 million dollars in net domestic income annually
In the country, hing can be grown in wet and dry form from hing, all kinds of spices
agricultural and medicinal plants, and it is used in the preparation of cosmetics and perfumes.