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Seller's Guide

How to become a seller on

If this is your first time in here "Bazaroona", you ought to register yourself with a new email and your name.


This is the second step for creating account in Bazaroona, and verify your account by clicking on the link.


Seller Registration

You will be faced with a new form that you must fill out the form.
  • Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Tick the Term and Policy Check Box
  • Click Save & Next

  • Link

Account Activation

Account activation is the second form that every individual seller must go ahead with the form principalities and fill out.
  • Contact number
  • Company name
  • Business name
  • Contact person
  • GST Certificate: is optional whether you fulfill it or not.
  • Click Save and Next Button 


In the confirmation form just click on the Login To Start Selling button.

In the sign-in form, write down your username or email along password.
Then click the Login button.
Once you type your email/username and password, an alert will be shown to you,
Then click on the "Click here" link.
When you click the "Click here" link you will be received and email to confirm your email following the picture below.

Manage Shop


In the language data form, you must fill out all the details regarding your items,
Following below:

  • Shop Name: Write out your shop name
  • Shop City: in which city you want to create your shop
  • Shop Address line 1: Write out your address
  • Shop Address line 2: Write your complete address
  • Contact person: Write your customer contact
  • Description: explain about your merchandise
  • Payment Policy: Delivery and cash
  • Delivery Policy: Delivery and cash
  • Refund Policy:
  • Additional Information:
  • Company Information:

Manage Shop


When your shop is done, In the manage form you will see some fields In General that should be filled out.
  • Shop Name: Write out your shop name
  • Shop City: in which city you want to create your shop?
  • Shop Address line 1: Write out your address
  • Shop Address line 2: Write your complete address
  • Contact person: Write your customer contact
  • Description: explain about your merchandise
  • Payment Policy: Delivery and cash
  • Delivery Policy: Delivery and cash
  • Refund Policy:
  • Additional Information:
  • Company Information:

Manage Shop

Return Address

In return address write your information to get back your merchandise.
  • Country:
  • State:Province
  • Postal Code:
  • Phone:

Manage Shop


In the media part, choose your merchandise picture and upload it.

Manage Shop

Store Setting

It Has two questions and it is your responsibility to which one allow your customer.
Can buyer place an order directly?

  • Yes
  • Only Via Request a Quote

Shop Collection


In the collection form, you can see all collections of your merchandise.

Shop Collection


In link form just write out the name of your collection in order whenever you need this, write the link that you have given.

Shop Collection


In media form choose the file you want to upload on your shop.

Seller Profile

In the seller profile write about what kind of business you work for.


  • Seller Type
  • Distributor/ Retailer: Which one of these two word your work is
  • Manufacturer:
  • Services Provider: are you a service provider ?
  • If you have online video about your company on YouTube, you can paste the URL of that in the following blank-space.

Seller Profile

In the seller profile write about what kind of business you work for.

Language Data

  • Production Capacity: the amount of your item in the storehouse
  • RND Capacity: Research and Development of your product
  • Trade Capacity: the capacity of your trade and business
  • Production Process: explain your production process Provider: are you a service provider ?
  • Advantage: the privileges of your merchandise.
  • Shipping Package: relate about the shipping package of your merchandise.
  • Quality Control Process: relate about the quality of your control over the process of your merchants

Seller Profile

Quality Certificates

If you have gotten quality certification through your business, upload it in here.
Furthermore, write your certification name in three languages.


Seller Profile

Trade ertificates

IIf you have been achieved Trade Certification through your business, upload it here.
Furthermore, write your certification name in three languages.


Seller Profile

Inspection Report

If you have done a research or kind of inspection, you can upload it here and write it with three languages.


Language Data

The Frequently Ask Questions are the prior questions for clarifying every ambiguity to clients.