Shop Policies

Shop Description

Mem Purse Manufacturing Company Providing various types of Feminine Purse with different materials and fabric such as Leather, Fabric and Rexon.

Payment Policy

According to our payment policy, we accept cash and delivery for more amenities of you dear customers.

Delivery Policy

In accordance of our delivery policy, we have got several people for delivering our product with no time consuming and rendering the product in time.

Refund Policy

We consider 10 business day for our refund policy, we have chosen this long date for more convenient of you nice customers.

Additional Info

Mem Purse Manufacturing Company Providing various types of Feminine Purse with different materials and fabric such as Leather, Fabric and Rexon.

Company Info

Mem Purse Manufacturing Company Providing various types of Feminine Purse with different materials and fabric such as Leather, Fabric and Rexon.